Another one of armored beasts, hammer-tailed Euoplocephalus. In reality looking much like already featured Ankylosaurus, however, I tried a different aproach to make some difference between them.
Let’s start with a king of the dinosaur world, the famous Tyrannosaurus rex. Lego Duplo bricks ussualy make it pretty hard to capture small details, however I think this one came out great. Unfortunately I ran out of red 2 by 4 plates and I had to use an orange one instead. A good pair of eyes will also notice that I used a slightly different approach leg-wise in a video edition.
If you’re having trouble building this awesome creation, here’s a short video tutorial:
Hello there!
Not many words really needed – Site name makes it pretty obvious. Lurking around will hopefully get you idea or two for your next Lego creation. Creations posted are created using mainly standard simple bricks. It surely is great to see all those 1000+ bricks creations, but not everyone is loaded with so many. Hanging around with 2 and 4-year old kids, I will begin journey with Duplo’s.
Have fun!