Jumbo jet Airplane

Jumbo jet airplane miniature in easy Lego Duplo design. It’s made out of 9 parts, however, you will need a 10552 set to build one exactly like this – I more than recommend this set as it gives you plenty of very useful bricks.

Lego Duplo Jumbo jet Airplane

Lego Duplo Jumbo jet Airplane


The thoughts of warm summer weather keep me dreaming about seaside holidays. Here’s my take on a Bayliner motor boat.

Lego Duplo Bayliner motor boat

Lego Duplo Bayliner motor boat


I finally made a smaller sized carnivore teropod, this time a Dromaeosaurus. It really gets harder to capture nuances with so simple bricks, it’s made of 12. However, it still has visible legs, mouth, tail and small hands.

Lego Duplo Dromaeosaurus

Lego Duplo Dromaeosaurus