Visiting Duplo Egypt

Lego Duplo ideas visiting Egypt

Since some of my latest creations were desert/oasis/antics related, I did this Egyptian themed shot. As opposed to my previous single ones, I did a bit different shot to spice things up, mashing 4 simple Duplo creations in one single picture. Bellow you’ll find them in my regular style. Single shots are located in my galleries.


Lego Duplo Egyptian themed ideas


Simple camel

As our minds are slowly slipping into summer mode, I’ve prepared some distinctive (and hopefully easily recognizable) desert-living animals.

lego duplo desert animals

Let’s start with a long legged, single humped camel. In comparison to giraffe you can see that these two can be made using pretty much the same bricks. Camel silhouette build is a bit more complex, as we need to extend its neck towards. Tail comes somehow short but considering those robust Lego Duplo bricks, I think the overall silhouette is pretty neat.

Lego Duplo simple camel

Lego Duplo simple camel